
How To Install Node Modules In Your Project

Hello guys welcome to Coderzway a place for coders to learn and become better programmer. Today I will show you how to install node modules in your project. If you are new to node js and want to install node modules in your project you are at the right place.

Node JS is a javascript runtime environment which enable to run javascript outside the browser which makes you use node js in your backend applications and today I am going to tell you how to install node modules in your project.

Want to become a backend web developer than read this guide – Backend developer roadmap 2021. If you want to create your node first server then read these article – How to create a node server.

How to install node modules

Node modules are third party libraries which you can install in your node project. This prevents you from writing complex code. It is very easy to use and install this node modules. I hope you have node installed on computer if you haven’t download and install from here – Download node.

1 – First open terminal where you want to install your node modules

2 – Type npm install name-of-the-module and enter the name of the module you want to install like npm install express you can also use short form npm i express to install node modules

All your installed node modules will go to the node_modules folder and they will be listed in package.json file.


So congratulations on installing your first node module from this you are set to install node modules and create awesome node js projects this was a short article on how to install node modules in node js.

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Thank you for reading Have a nice day 🙂

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