
Best code editor for web development 2021

Today I am going to tell you the best code editor for web development if you are a web developer or starting to learn web development than you are at the right place you will require a code editor and I will tell you the best code editor for web development.

What is a code editor ?


A code editor is a text editor which used to write, edit source code of computer programs yeah that is what’s a code editor is than you will say I have notepad which I can use you can use notepad but it is not ideal and recommended way of writing code.

There are many code editor available in the market and It becomes difficult to choose the best one. Today I am not going to tell you 6 code editors I am just going to tell you the best code editor for web development.

So before we begin if you want a complete roadmap on full stack web development than read this article – Roadmap to become a full stack web developer this article will help you to understand the journey of web development.

Best Code Editor For Web Development

In web development there are three types of web developers you can become which are frontend developer, backend developer or full stack web developer.

Web development is a big field and there are lot of technologies you need to learn and use in web development so for that you will require the best code editor which will be with you throughout your journey.

You will need a code editor which is small, simple, compatible with your system and provides support multiple languages do you think there is a single code editor with all these features in it the anwser is yes there is a editor and the editor is

Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

The best code editor for web development is Visual Studio Code also known as VS Code. I will explain it why it is the best code editor for web development.

VS Code is a free source code editor developed by microsoft It can run on windows, mac or linux. It includes features like support for debugging, intelligent code completion, code refactoring, syntax highlighting, snippets and embedded Git.

It is also a very popular code editor it has more than 14 million active installations.

You can download Visual Studio Code from here just download and install – Download Visual Studio Code.

You may say that there are many other code editors like atom, brackets or notepad ++ they are also good but they lack some features which VS Code provides we will now see the features of VS Code and why you should use it.

Features Of VS Code

This are some of the best features of visual studio code there are many other features of visual studio code but this are some of the best.

1. It is small in size

As I have told you that VS Code provides additional features that other code editors do not provide that does not mean that vs code is a large software it is a small software with just around 50 mb in size.

If you have a low specs pc or computer than VS Code is the editor you may want to use it will not lag or shutdown. VS Code can also be used on your mobile phone but it take some ninja techniques to setup.

If you want to setup vs code on your mobile you can watch this video – How to setup vs code on mobile.

2. Provides support to many languages

I have told you that web development is a big field and you will need to use multiple languages so you will require different code editors but vs code supports many programming languages like javascript, python, c/c++ even html and css.

You don’t have to install multiple code editors for different languages this is one of the best reason why vs code is the best code editor. you can also use vs code for other things beside web development also.

3. Provides Extensions for your use

Another great feature that VS Code has is that it has extensions tab from where you can install extensions which will help you while writing code you get great features from this extensions.

There are many extensions in vs code you can install but there are some awesome extensions which will help you to write code fast, boost your productivity and more.

If you want to know the best vs code extensions for you than read this article – Best vs code extensions that you need to install.

4. Write code fast

In VS Code there is a builtin extension which is emmet which helps in writing code faster than ever with emmet you get code snippets or suggestions while writing code in any programming language.

It provides snippets which than autocompletes the rest of the code it is the best feature of vs code you can also install additional extensions for more snippets.

5. Great for web developers

Great for web developers why because in web development mostly used languages or technologies are HTML, CSS, Javascript, React js, Node js, Python or Java all these languages are supported by VS Code.

You don’t ever need to install another code editor ever for web development. Really Visual studio code is the best code editor you can use any code editor you want but try to use vs code once you will love it.

6. Great extensions for web developers

Vs code really has awesome extensions for web developers which can be really useful in writing and organising your code. some best useful vs code extensions for web developers you can install and use.

Prettier – It is a code formatting extension it automatically formats your code in a neat and align manner on save it helps you to keep your code clean.

Live server – This extension runs your web application and you can access it in your browser at localhost:port.

There are many other extensions you can use like thunder client, debugger for chrome and more if you want to know more about the best vs code extensions read this article – Best vs code extensions you need to install.


Thus the best code editor for web development is Visual Studio Code also known as VS Code. There are many other features of Vs Code which I have not told but truly vs code is the editor you should use.

You can download Visual Studio Code from here just download and install – Download Visual Studio Code.

So this was it if you liked this guide than comment down “Loved it” and subscibe to our newsletter for daily new coding guides update please share this with your friends and programmers.

Thank you for reading Have a nice day 🙂

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