
Roadmap To Become A Full Stack Web Developer

Web Development is a great carrer choice due to its high demand and high rewarding. If You have decided to become a web developer and you are confused where to begin don’t worry today in this article ” Roadmap to become a full stack web developer” will clear all your doubts and confusion.
So if you want to become a full stack web developer you need to have to be commited to learn. It will take time like 6 to 9 months because to become a full stack web developer you need to know how to create the frontend and backend of the website so if you want to know what and how to learn read till the end.
This article tells you the complete step by step roadmap to become a full stack web developer so after reading this article till the end, you should be able to:

  •  Start your journey as a full stack web developer
  •  Have complete knowledge of where to begin
  •  Lastly download  visual   studio code and write code

Frontend of the website


Lets start with frontend you can learn anything first frontend or backend. So the frontend of a website is made with HTML, CSS and Javscript this are the basic languages of a web developer. So you need to learn this first.
HTML – HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language this is the most basic language every web developer must know. It is used to define the structure of the website. HTML is not a programming language it is very easy to learn you can learn this within 1 to 2 weeks.
Resources to learn HTML –
CSS – CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. This language is used to styling, colors, fonts and make the website look beautiful. CSS is also not a programming language and it is also easy to learn it can take 2 to 3 weeks to learn
Resources to learn CSS –
Javacscript – Javacript is the only programming language used in the frontend it is responsible for the behaviour and actions on the website. Javascript can be used in both frontend and the backend so learn javascript thoroughly.
Resources to learn Javascript –

Frontend Frameworks

React – It is a javascript frontend library created and maintained by facebook. React is used in the frontend. It is used for building user interfaces for single page applications so It allows users to create reusable UI components and React is fast because it has live reload. React uses javascript so you don’t have to learn a new language. As a beginner you should go with react according to stackoverflow this is the most popular frontend framework.
Resources to learn React –
Angular – It is a javascript based open source frontend framework created and maintained by google. It is used in frontend to build interfaces for single page applications. It is fast and uses typescript programming languages which is similar to javasript.
Resources to learn Angular –
Vue – This is another javascript frontend framework used for building single page applications and interfaces. this is very compact in size and high on performance. It also uses javascript.
Resources to learn Vue –

Which to choose ?

Don’t waste your time in choosing this frameworks all give you similar pros and cons choose one and start. At a later point in the future you can always switch. As a beginner you should go with react because it is fast and easy to learn.
If you want to know more about frontend frameworks than read this article – Best frontend framework to use in 2021 you will learn more about frontend frameworks

Backend Of A Website

So we are at the halfway to our journey to become a full stack web developer so you learnt the languages in the frontend and you want to create backend for a website so that you can send and recieve data.
Inorder to develop a backend you need to know a programming language and you know one that is javascript that you learnt in the frontend. You can use javascript in the backend with the help of nodejs which is a runtime environment which helps to run javascript outside the browser.
Before going to talk about javascript you can choose any other language in the backend like python, java, c#, php and other languages. but using javacript with nodejs has many benefits like you don’t need to learn a new language and nodejs is fast, secure and can be used to build large scale apps. As a beginner you should go with nodejs.
Nodejs – Nodejs is a open source and cross-platform javascript runtime environment which executes javascript outside the browser. It has its own benefits. there are many nodejs libraries available which helps us. You don’t have to write everything from scratch. With the help of NPM which is Node package manager you can install any library in your project.

Node js libraries

Express – It is a fast and small backend library which is very powerful. It is used in routing and making API’S
Mongoose – This helps to connect mongodb database with your backend and send query to the database – This enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication. Which can be used to create chat applications.
Passport – This is a great plugin it makes easier to implement authentication in a website and there are lot helpful libraries.

Which database to use ?

If you want to create a website which has data you are gonna need a database and there are lot of databases in the market to choose there are two type of databases no-sql database and sql database.
MySql – MySql database is the best and mostly used database. It is a sql database. This databse stores data in tables.
Mongodb – Mongodb is the top ranked database in no-sql databases and it is mostly used with node making it the MERN Stack which is Mongodb. Express, React, Nodejs. This database stores data in javascipt object called BSON. With nodejs i will recommend you to use mongodb Databse.


So you know what you have to do to become a full stack web developer. It seems a little long way but i promise it would be fun to learn and it will pay you back. This is just a roadmap you need work and dont’t waste time choosing between frameworks and databases everything is good.
My opinion is that you go with the MERN stack which is Mongodb, Express, React and Nodejs. So thanks for reading this if you have any comments you can comment down below.
Thank you for reading. Have a nice day 🙂

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