
What is JavaScript? Basics Of JavaScript Explained

Today I will tell you what is javascript. Brendan Eich introduced the JavaScript programming language in 1995, and it has since grown in popularity in the web development business. JavaScript is a dynamic programming language that can be used in a variety of ways,

Such as creating interactive web pages, adding event handlers to DOM objects, or manipulating the browser window. JavaScript is not a compiled language, which means that it does not need to be compiled before use. Instead, the JavaScript code is interpreted by the browser.

A Basic Introduction to JavaScript


JavaScript is a highly interactive programming language, which means that you have the ability to manipulate the program in many ways. But this means that if you want to be a good JavaScript programmer, you need to have an idea about what the JavaScript language can and can’t do, as well as how to properly interpret it.

To help get you on your way to being a better JavaScript developer, this guide will break down the details of the entire JavaScript language. JavaScript (2016) JavaScript is a descendant of Java, and is intended to be a versatile, object-oriented language for programming applications.

In the traditional Java programming language, you can create classes and pass data between objects, which requires that each object be defined individually.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is not a compiled language, so it runs in a browser window. JavaScript is dynamic. When you type or write JavaScript, the language does not automatically compile, and runs on the browser window instead. JavaScript can also be used to manipulate the browser window.

For instance, you can make the browser resized, scroll, or close the browser. Let’s dive into the fundamentals of the language. The Basics of JavaScript Although there are a lot of different browsers, there are two browsers that run the most popular version of the browser: Firefox and Google Chrome. Why not Javascript?

JavaScript is not compiled

The browser will treat everything you type in JavaScript as a string. It is interpreted, and it doesn’t have any parameters. There are no separate files with numbers or anything else that you need to worry about. Everything you see here, and everything you type,

gets compiled into a DOM element with HTML code. If you need to know more about different ways to manipulate the JavaScript DOM, you can read the following posts: JavaScript Modules JavaScript Modules Modules are defined as JavaScript files that can be included directly within a script.

The following code snippet shows how you would use a module to add the JavaScript functionality of a module from jQuery to your own script: .js ( function () { var Module = {}; Module . test = function () { // do something here }; module .

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JavaScript is an interpreted language

JavaScript is actually an interpreted language, so for a better understanding of how that works, it’s best to break it down into its many components. The first component that JavaScript is built on is the ECMAScript specification.

ECMAScript is an International Standard (IS), which means that the specification is copyrighted by the Internet Standards Association.

The ECMAScript specification was first published in 1997, and was re-published in 2005 as the ECMAScript 3.1 specification. The ECMAScript specification consists of a set of standardized language constructs that are designed to be compiled into a machine-readable, finite code format.

JavaScript supports object-oriented programming

JavaScript is a dynamic programming language, which means that it doesn’t require the program to run in a single file. Instead, JavaScript code is stored in a file called a source file. source.js – body of the program. For example, the body of the script above is a source file which contains the actual JavaScript program, as well as an empty container called an enclosing scope.

The action is take place in the body. Inside the body of the program, the entire JavaScript program is evaluated in order to determine whether or not the user will be able to interact with the program.

JavaScript is an event-based programming language

JavaScript uses event-driven programming, which is a paradigm that was pioneered by the Java programming language. JavaScript is written in a way that ensures that only user interaction is registered and that scripts can be executed only in response to user requests.

JavaScript is a dynamic language that supports continuation-based threads and is multithreaded. You can create multiple and independent threads of execution using JavaScript. The main benefit of using continuations in JavaScript is that multiple JavaScript threads can be executed in a single process.

JavaScript is used to create user interfaces JavaScript is primarily used to create user interfaces. By using user interfaces, you can create interactive Web pages, and add event handlers to DOM objects.

JavaScript is a flexible programming language

Because JavaScript can be used as a server side scripting language, it can be used in a number of different ways. For example, JavaScript can be used to create a site that is continuously updated with new content, as well as be used to create powerful server-side logic that requires as little input as possible.

JavaScript offers various other advantages that make it a powerful language to develop applications with. JavaScript is highly flexible JavaScript offers users the ability to add functionality using just simple lines of code. This means that no prior knowledge of programming is required, as JavaScript is often a fast and easy way to make complex programs that will only take a few minutes to implement.


In this article we went over how the JavaScript runtime works, how JavaScript interacts with the browser, how JavaScript can be used to make interactive web pages, and how to use the DOM object.

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Thank you for reading, Have a nice day 🙂 

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