
Why To Learn Python in 2021

 “Python is a great first language“, elicited, “Python is a great last language!” Python is the “most powerful language you can still read”. “Python tricks” is a tough one, cuz the language is so clean

Python is a interpreted high level and general purpose programming language. It is the most popular programming language. If you are a new or you are experienced programmer and if you are thinking to learn python but if you are confused if these language is right for you then don’t worry.

Today I am going to tell you why to learn python in 2021 So read the full article you will get a lot of knowledge of what you are going to learn.

Why To Learn Python?


Why to learn python? lets see why it is so popular than other languages and is it really so lets begin.

Easy To Learn

Python is the easiest programming languages to learn if you know a programming language and now you want to learn python than you will find that python syntax is much easier and short to write than other languages like Javascript, C++, C# or Java. 

This is great language to learn if you are beginner and you don’t know any language. You will enjoy learning python.

Many Uses Of Python

Learning python gives you the advantage to learn many programming fields. You can use python in :

Web Development – You can use python to develop websites and you can become a web developer by using python. There are powerful frameworks like Django and Flask which can be used to develop powerful and fast websites.

App Development – You can also do cross platform app development with python. You can develop apps for both android and iOS with the same codebase.

Machine Learning – Python is a great language for machine learning and it is mostly used in machine learning and artificial intelligence. There are great python libraries in python for machine learning you can use.

Artificial Intelligence – AI is becoming popular and it is the future technology and if you learn python you can be AI expert. Python can be used in developing AI’s.

Data Science and Data analytics – You can also do data science and data analytics with python and you can become a data scientist and data analytics.

Automation – Automation is very useful and it can be done with python with help of python libraries. You can automate your daily tasks in your pc or laptop with python.

Game Development – Python can also be used in game development with pygame It has many built-in features for game development 

So these were the cool exciting things you can do with python. you can do everything with python so learning python is a great advantage.

High Demand and salary

There is a high demand for a python developer and average salary of a python developer is around $110K to $115k per year. 

Big Community

As python is old and popular programming language for a long time so if you ever get caught a problem in your code you will easily find solution for your problem as there are lot of python developers who use python so python has big community support you will find solution to every problem.

Python Libraries

Python has many built in and external libraries you can use which helps you a lot as a developer you don’t need to create everything from scratch you can just focus on the main application.

Efficient and fast development

Python is efficient and enables fast development as the syntax is short it enables efficient code writing and increases productivity which leads to fast development.


As i have told you that python is easy but you need to understand the concepts and how the code works there is a lot of things you have to learn in python.

You can do everything with python that doen’t mean that other programming languages like Javascript, C# or Java are a waste of time these languages are superior in their respected field like Javascript is great for web development.

But python can be used in multiple tasks and you don’t need to learn a new language which makes your understanding of python more strong.

So this was all about python and why to learn python. I hope you found what you were looking for and this answers your question why python is popular so if you want more articles than subscribe to our newsletter and if you have any questions than comment down thank you.

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