
Javascript MCQ Questions And Answers 2021

Who is interested for some Javascript MCQ which is Javascript multiple choice questions because today I have prepared some awesome Javascript MCQ questions and answers which you can solve and answer.

By solving and answering this Javascript MCQ test your Javascript knowledge will drastically improve and you will become a better javascript programmer if you are a student in a college then you should definately take this test.

There are more than 100 Javascript MCQ questions you will see the questions you can try to find the solutions if you want to check your answer just click the show answer button it will show you the answer of the question.

Javascript MCQ Questions And Answers Test

1) Javascript is mainly used for ___

    1. Web development
    2. App development
    3. Machine learning
    4. Game development


Answer: A

Explaination: Javascript is one of the basic language which runs in web browsers

2) Javascript is also called the ___ of the website

    1. Skin of the website
    2. Skeleton
    3. Brain


Answer: C

Explaination: Javascript is used to write logic and it is responsible for interactions.

3) which type of programming language is javascript ___

    1. Object oriented
    2. Assembly-language
    3. High-level


Answer: A

Explaination: Javascript is a lightweight, interpreted, object-oriented language with first-class functions

4) Javascript can be used for ___

    1. Just frontend development
    2. Just backend development
    3. Both full stack development


Answer: C

Explaination: Javascript has evolved lately and now it can be used for both frontend as well as backend with node js.

5) Which line of code is used in javascript to print “Hello world” in the console or terminal ___

    1. print(‘Hello world’)
    2. console.log(‘Hello world’)
    3. cout<<“Hello World”;


Answer: B

Explaination: console.log() is used to print statements in javascript

6) Javascript was invented by  ___

    1. Arthur samuel
    2. Brendan Eich
    3. James Gosling
    4. None of the above


Answer: B

Explaination: Javascript was invented by Brendan Eich

7) Javascript was invented in ___

    1. 2021
    2. 2000
    3. 1997
    4. 1995


Answer: C

Explaination: Javascript was invented by Brendan Eich in 1997

8) Which of the following term not used to declare variables in javascript

    1. var
    2. let
    3. const
    4. int


Answer: C

Explaination: var, let or const can be used to declare variables in javascript

9) Which is the correct format for declaring a variable in Javascript?

    1. const text = ‘I am a programmer’;
    2. text = ‘I am a programmer’;
    3. String text = ‘I am a programmer’;
    4. const string text = ‘I am a programmer’;


Answer: A

Explaination: Javascript is dynamic so you don’t need to specify the type of the varible to be string or integer.

10) Which of the following is the correct Array declaration syntax in javascript

    1. const arr = [‘a’,’b’];
    2. arr = [‘a’,’b’];
    3. const arr = new Array(‘a’,’b’);
    4. None of the above


Answer: A

Explaination: const arr = [‘s’,’s’] is used to create a array


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