
Inside which HTML element to be put the javascript?

Want to know inside which HTML element to be put the Javascript? you are complete beginner and you don’t know inside which HTML element to put the Javascript code then today I will tell you where to put your Javascript in HTML.

Want to write your first Javascript hello world program then you can read this tutorial on writing your first hello world program in Javascript.

There are basically 2 ways of adding javascript to your HTML web page is by using:

  • Internal Javascript
  • External Javascript

You can use any of the way to add Javascript to HTML elements I will show you both ways so follow up with me till the end.

1. Adding Javascript to HTML using internal Javascript

The first way to add javascript to your HTML element is adding it internally into the HTML code by using the

As you can see above we have added the script tag inside the body tag. You can add any Javascript code inside this script tag. 

2. Adding Javascript to HTML using external Javascript

The second way of adding javascript to your HTML file or elements is by creating a seperate javascript file with .js extension and add the Javascript code there and link the javascript file in the HTML file you want to use you can use this tag to link javascript file.

You have to add this line of code inside the HTML body tag you need to add it at the bottom of the body tag so it loads after all the HTML elements are loaded. Inside src add the location of your file.

This way all the javascript code you have written in the javascript file will be added to the HTML elements this is the best and recommended way of adding Javascript to HTML elements. 


These were the 2 methods of adding Javascript to HTML elements I hope I solved your question “Inside which HTML element to be put the Javascript code” which is the tag or you can add it in external Javascript file.

Here are more guides which yo can find useful and helpful:

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Thank you for reading, Have a nice day 🙂

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