
Best Vs Code Extensions You Need To Install

Today I am going to tell you which are the best vs code extensions that you need to install if you are a web developer or a python developer I will tell the best vs code extension for all your use in one article.
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If you don’t have VS Code installed than you can download it from the official website here – DOWNLOAD VS CODE HERE

Intro To VS Code


If you are not using vs code you are using editor like pycharm or notepad than you are either missing many great functionality or having a big size software or ide which is big and lags a lot.
Vs code or visual studio code is a source code editor developed by microsoft it is a small and simple editor but with many features for you as programmer.
The great advantage of vs code is that you can write and run any code on it you can write python, javascript, c++ or c, html, css any programming language can be written in vs code because you don’t have to install a seperate editor for different work uses.
You can get additional features from vs code by installing vs code extensions which are developed by developers are safe to use everyone should you use this extensions because it helps you to write code.
But there are lot of vs code extensions out there and you should install extensions which are neccesary only below our some of the best vs code extensions to install.

Best VS Code Extensions To Install

As I have told you there are many vs code extensions and all extensions you don’t require so I have given the extensions according to your use or which programming language you are using so see which extensions you require.
First we have

VS Code Extensions For Everyting

So first we have is the vs code extensions for everything which are vs code extensions which you can install and use for any type of programming language this extensions will help you in every programming language.

Prettier – Code Formatter

Prettier is code formatting vs code extensions this extension will format your code automatically in a align and a beatiful manner when you save your code your code will be formatted in a well manner and it will be easy to read.
It has more than 13,337,233 active installations which means it is used by many developers you can install this extension from vs code extensions tab just search the name of the extension or you can download it from here – download prettier extension.

Material Icon Theme

As the name says it is a vs code theme extension it is my favourite vs code theme I personally use it this theme is great it has many theme colors like dark, light or grey which helps to improve productivity.
It also provide folder and file icons according to their functionality which is really helpful and if you are thinking of adding a theme to your editor this is the one you should.
Material icon theme has 8,023,210 active installations it is loved by many developers you can install this extension from vs code extensions tab just search the name of the extension or you can download it from here – download material icon theme extension.

Auto Import

Auto import is a small vs code extension which automatically imports file or modules in your current file whenever you type the name of the file or module it really provides fast importing of files and modules.
Auto import has more than 1,566,019 active installations you can install this extension from vs code extensions tab just search the name of the extension or you can download it from here – download auto import extension.

Code Runner

Code runner extension enables you to run code in your vs code terminal this extension gives you a run button if you click it it will run the code in your file you don’t need to manually open cmd and run.
You can run python, c++ or c, java, c# and many other programming languages.
Code runner has more than 7,9099,699 active installations you can install this extension from vs code extensions tab just search the name of the extension or you can download it from here – download code runner extension.


Well Emmet is not a vs code extension but it comes installed with vs code if it was a extension it would be the best.
Emmet provides us with code suggestions of any programming language it automatically autocompletes the line of code for you I love emmet.

VS Code Extensions For Web Developers

Now we will talk about vs code extensions for web developers there are many extensions for web developers but I will tell you the most important ones.

Live Server

Live server is vs code extension which is required if you are a web developer because this extension starts a server and you can test your html website in chrome easily at localhost:5500.
If you are using html, css and javascript for creating websites than you should install these extension you can test your website and any changes to your website will be automatically updated.
Live server has more than 12,754,652 active installations you can install this extension from vs code extensions tab just search the name of the extension or you can download it from here – download live server extension.

Thunder Client

Thunder Client is a great and a new vs code extension for backend web developers you can now send api request to your backend in your vs code with thunder client you don’t have to download postman or other softwares for testing your api.
It is a new extension I found it really helpful for testing my backend if you are backend web developer you should have this extension.
As I have told you it is a new extension so it has 159,600 active installations you can install this extension from vs code extensions tab just search the name of the extension or you can download it from here – download thunder client extension.

Debugger for chrome

Debugger for chrome is vs code extension developed by microsoft you can debug your javascript code your chrome browser or any other thing that supports chrome debugger. It is a great extension for debugging.
Debugger for chrome has more than 8,110,468 active installations you can install this extension from vs code extensions tab just search the name of the extension or you can download it from here – download debugger for chrome extension.

ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets

This is a vs code extension you should have if you are using react, redux, graphql or react native it gives you code snippets of a code like if you want to create a react component you can do by just typing rafce and enter this will create a react component.
This helps you in writing fast code and increases productivity I use this extensions because it has helped me finish my projects faster.
ES7 snippets has 2,997,889 active installations you can install this extension from vs code extensions tab just search the name of the extension or you can download it from here – download ES7 Snippets extension.

Node Snippets

This is another snippet vs code extension you can install if you are using node js it will provide you with many node related snippets which will help you write code faster.
Node snippets has 161,005 active installations you can install this extension from vs code extensions tab just search the name of the extension or you can download it from here – download Node Snippets extension.

Auto Rename Tag

Auto rename tag is a vs code extension which automatically renames html or react tags if you change the opening tag it will automatically rename the closing tag it provides fast update of your code.
Auto rename tag has 5,764,841 active installations you can install this extension from vs code extensions tab just search the name of the extension or you can download it from here – download auto rename tag extension.

VS Code Extensions For Python Developers

Now we will talk about vs code extensions for Python developers there are many extensions for python developers but I will tell you the most important ones.


First extension you need to have if you are using python is python It provides many features for you like python support, debugger, runner, linting and more if you are using python than you need to install these.
Python has 37,784,321 active installations you can install this extension from vs code extensions tab just search the name of the extension or you can download it from here – download python extension.

Python Snippets

It is python snippet vs code extension this extension will provide you python snippets which you can use for writing fast code.
Python snippets has 187,221 active installations you can install this extension from vs code extensions tab just search the name of the extension or you can download it from here – download python Snippets extension.

VS Code Extensions for C++/C Developers

If you are c or c++ developers and you need extensions for it than below are some extensions you may want to use


C/C++ is a vs code extension if you are using c or c++ as your programming language it provides c/c++ support, intelliSense and debugging. You need to have this extension if you are using c or c++.
C/C++ has 20,867,207 active installations you can install this extension from vs code extensions tab just search the name of the extension or you can download it from here – download C/C++ extension.

C/C++ Snippets

This is a snippet extension which provides C/C++ snippets while writing code you should use it for faster code writing.
C/C++ snippets has 553,223 active installations you can install this extension from vs code extensions tab just search the name of the extension or you can download it from here – download C/C++ Snippets extension.


This were all the best vs code extensions that you need to install and use I know I have given a lot of extensions but you don’t need to install each and everyone just install what you require according to your language.
I hope you found this article useful and helpful if you liked it share it with your friends and programmers and if you want more articles like this do subscribe to coderzway newsletter below.
Thank you for reading have a nice day 🙂

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