
6 Best Machine Learning Books for beginners 2021

Machine learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence that teaches computers to think like humans. A machine learning model learns from a large set of data and improves from time to time.

Learning machine learning can be difficult. It takes a lot of time and effort so today I will share with you the best machine learning books for beginners that you can read to become a machine learning expert. If you are a beginner then these are the best machine learning books for beginners.

Books are the best resources to learn anything you want because they are written by people who have expertise and experience in their field and books are written by doing a lot of research so they provide more accurate knowledge.

Therefore I love to learn by reading books. If you are someone like me and you want to learn machine learning by reading books then you are at the right place because you are going to get the best machine learning books for beginners.

Best Machine Learning Books for beginners


As there were many machine learning books available in the market I have done some research and found the best machine learning books for you to read and become a successful machine learning engineer.

If you want a complete machine learning roadmap then you can read this guide – Machine learning roadmap 2021. In this guide, I have explained everything you need to learn about machine learning in that guide.

All these machine learning books which I am going to tell you about are available on Amazon. I have given Amazon links to each book you can click and directly purchase them. Now let’s see the first machine learning book.

1. Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow

Best Machine learning books

This book is the best seller machine learning book on amazon it is the most rated and loved machine learning book. In this book, you will learn Scikit-Learn, Kera, and TensorFlow which are some of the best machine learning libraries.

You are going to learn all the concepts, methods, and tools used in machine learning. This book has more than 800 pages of valuable learning. You can learn machine learning from this book.

Here are some of the topics covered in this book:

  • Machine learning landscape and neural nets
  • Use scikit-Learn to track a machine learning project from end to end
  • Learning and using TensorFlow to build neural networks
  • Learn machine learning techniques and more

As I have said, this is one of the best selling machine learning books so if you want to buy this book you get it directly on Amazon here – Buy Hands-On Machine Learning Book.

2. Deep Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series)

Best Machine learning books

In this book, you are going to learn about deep learning which is a subset of AI, and also you are going to learn machine learning. This book has been rated more than 1000 with 5 star rating.

“Written by three experts in the field, Deep Learning is the only comprehensive book on the subject.” This quote is said by Elon Musk who we know as the co-founder and CEO of big companies like Tesla, SpaceX, and OpenAI.

Well if you don’t know about deep learning then deep learning is a form of machine learning which makes computers learn in terms of a hierarchy of concepts so you need to learn deep learning and this book is the best for that.

These are some of the topics covered in this book:

  • Introduction to machine learning and deep learning
  • Neural networks
  • Techniques used in deep learning
  • Mathematical topics like Linear algebra, probability, and more

You should get this book if you want to learn deep learning and go-to machine learning advanced topics. You can get this book on Amazon here – Buy this deep learning book.

3. Machine Learning For Absolute Beginners: A Plain English Introduction

Best Machine learning books

This is one of the best machine learning books for beginners who are just getting started in the machine learning field. In this book, you will learn machine learning in a simple English language.

This means all the complex terms would be explained much in a simple way and visual examples are included in this book that would make it easy to learn machine learning. This book is designed and written for absolute beginners.

Some of the topics covered in this book:

  • Datasets: How to get and use
  • Machine learning libraries
  • Regression analysis, clustering, and decision tree
  • Basics of neural networks and more

If you are a complete beginner then you should consider getting this machine learning book on your desk. You can get this book on Amazon here – Buy a machine learning book for beginners.

4. The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book

Best Machine learning books

A machine learning book just with pages around 100 is even possible. Yes, this is just a hundred-page machine learning book but it provides a lot of value in this book.

Peter Norvig, Who is a Research Director at Google and co-author of AIMA, one of the most popular AI textbooks in the world said “Burkov has undertaken a very useful but impossibly hard task in reducing all of the machine learning to 100 pages” about this book.

“Burkov” whose full name is Andriy Burkov is the author of this book. You should read this book because you can finish it fast and get to know many things in machine learning.

Here are some of the topics covered in this book:

  • Machine learning basics
  • Algorithms fundamentals
  • Supervised learning and unsupervised learning
  • Deep Learning and neural networks

If you want to get this 100 pages machine learning book then you can get it on Amazon here – Buy this 100 pages machine learning book.

5. Python Machine Learning: Unlock deeper insights into Machine Learning with this vital guide to cutting-edge predictive analytics

Best Machine learning books

This book is very deep. You are going to learn machine learning in the python programming language which is the best language for machine learning. This book has more than 400 pages to learn machine learning.

In this book, you will learn how to build machine learning models, build neural networks in Keras, how to write python clean code, and many other machine learning concepts.

Here are some of the concepts covered in this book:

  • Machine learning algorithms
  • Neural networks and deep learning
  • Python programming

This book is really valuable. You can find out more about this book on Amazon and buy it from here – Buy the python machine learning book.

6. Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A Guide for Data Scientists

Best Machine learning books

This is another book on machine learning with python. In this book, you will get introduced to how to start machine learning with python’s best libraries to use, data processing, how to train algorithms, and more.

From this book, you will learn how to use machine learning to solve real-world problems in business handling. You will learn the basics of machine learning from this book.

Here are some of the topics covered in this book:

  • Data handling and processing
  • Implementing and training algorithms
  • Machine learning models to production
  • Machine learning basics and more

After reading this book you will get a lot of knowledge about this subject so if you want to get this machine learning book then you can get it on Amazon here – Buy introduction to machine learning book.

Frequently Asked Machine Learning Questions

Which is the best book for machine learning beginners?

Now your question must be which is the best book machine learning book Well the best machine learning book is Hands on machine learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and Tensorflow.

This doesn’t mean other books are not good they are also amazing you should also check them out.

Can I teach myself machine learning?

Yes you can learn machine learning by yourself there are many resources to learn online like video courses and these best machine learning books

Who introduced machine learning?

Arthur Samuel first came up with the term ‘”Machine learning”

Does machine learning require coding?

Yes you need to know a programming language for machine learning the best programming language for machine learning is Python

Does machine learning require maths?

Well machine learning algorithms are created with calculas, linear algebra so you need to have a sound knowledge of maths if you want to go advance in machine learning.

So this were some of frequently asked questions on machine learning if you want more questions on machine learning then you can check our Machine Learning MCQ.


These were the 6 best machine learning books for beginners. If you are an expert or at an intermediate level then you also should read this book because you are going to learn a lot of things you don’t know in machine learning.

I hope you found this best machine learning book helpful and useful. I will add more machine learning books into this guide so do subscribe to our newsletter for more updates on our latest guides or you can join our Telegram Channel.

Here are some more guides you can refer

Thank you for reading, Have a nice day 🙂

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