
Top 10 Advantages of React Js

Today I will tell you the top 10 advantages of react js. Earlier website’s were made with regular HTML, CSS, Javascript and a backend which will serve the rendered page which requires the user to wait after requesting a new page.

The browser will reload after each requests. But today advancement in technology there are great frontend frameworks which are developed which you can use to develop your websites.

React js is a javascript frontend framework developed by facebook It is a client side rendering framework which means it will not reload when you move to a new page.

React js is the most popular frontend framework and it is used by many developers. You can use react js in your website to build your frontend. You will require to build the backend seperately for your website.

So if you are new to react js and planning to learn or use in your next project and you want to know the advantages of react js than sit down and read the full article because upcoming are the top 10 advantages of react js.

If you want to become a full stack web developer than read this article – Roadmap to become a full stack web developer.

Advantages of react js


These are top 10 advantages of react js. There are more advantages of react js but this are some of the important advantages of react js you need to know.

1 – React is fast

React js is client side so everything is done on the client side you don’t have to fetch a page from the server which reloads the browser that makes react very fast.

React is fast because the browser doesn’t reload which makes moving to new page very fast.

2 – Simple and Easy to learn

React is very simple and easy to learn. As a web developer you will already know javascript, html and css react uses jsx which is javascript so you don’t need to learn a new language you just need to know how react works which is easy.

React is a small library it is not big as angular it is used only for ui building

React is loved by many developers because of its simplicity and easy to learn that is the reason why it is popular.

3 – It works like mobile apps

React js has live reload which makes website load without reloading the website if you take a look at any website made with react you will see that it works like mobile apps. You must have used instagram and facebook they are made with react.

4 – Large community

React is the most popular frontend framework so it has a big community of developers if you ever found a error while developing react website you can easily find solution online.

React is large so there are continious new features added and fixed security issues. Which makes react more secure.

5 – Reusability

React is component based you create a component like you create a footer component and then you can use it wherever you want you can reuse component across the whole website.

This helps in faster development and increases productivity.

6 – Has lot of libraries

React is popular and has a big community of developers so there are lot of libraries made by react developers which prevents you from writing complex code and creating everything from scratch.

React has lot of libraries which you can use in your project with npm you just have to type npm i package-name.

7 – Faster development

React is component based so you create component once and use it across the website which makes you develop your project must faster.

There are not a lot of configurations to be made in react you can create a production build with react easily everything is taken cared by react.

8 – It has live reload

I have told you that react is fast because it has live reload when a data in a component changes react doesn’t refreshes the whole page it just refreshes the component.

This is possible because react has a virtual dom it keeps its own seperate dom which makes react much faster.

9 – Better user experience

React works like mobile apps which makes user experience of a website. Google loves website’s which are fast and provide better user experience this will help you rank on google fast.

You will also get a great advantage over your competitors who have created normal websites. Your users will have better experience in navigating on your website.

10 – Better code management

React is a small frontend framework which is used for building ui of a website so the logic of website is seperated from the design or frontend.

This helps you in better code management you will have a seperate frontend logic and a backend logic this later on helps you when you want to change or update something in your website.


So this were the top 10 advantages of react js to summarise this are the top 10 advantages

1 – React is fast

2 – Simple and Easy to learn

3 – It works like mobile apps

4 – Large community

5 – Reusability

6 – Has lot of libraries

7 – Faster development

8 – It has live reload

9 – Better user experience

10 – Better code management

You can get started with react easily just go through this guide – React Docs

There are many other advantages of react js and there are also disadvantages but I have just talked about advantages in this article I will be posting another article on disadvantages so subscribe to our newsletter for updates.

You can use react to build any type of website and I recommend you to learn or use react if you want to become a frontend developer than learning react or any other frontend framework is important.

If you want to become a frontend developer than read this article – Roadmap to become a frontend developer.

So this was the article on the top 10 advantages of react js I hope you found what you were looking for and thank you for reading till the end.

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