
Is the risk of cybercrime attacks on big data database systems containing personal data of social media portal users increasing?

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Cyber SecurityIs the risk of cybercrime attacks on big data database systems containing personal data of social media portal users increasing?
Vishal Kumar Staff asked 3 years ago

Hacking to steal personal, confidential and secret information from social network users has already occurred. Known research or publications you know describe the risk management process in the field of receiving, archiving, analyzing, and processing data in big data systems operated by Internet technology companies such as Google and Facebook. Internet business technologies such as Google and Facebook have the ability to obtain secrets, confidentiality, and personal data about website users (including search engines) from the Internet. And social media portals that use these information services. With this in mind, the topic of “security of sensitive data stored in big data database systems operated by Internet technology companies operating social media portals” should be added.